\n"; require_once('/home/pwolf/public_html/inc/header.php'); require_once('/home/pwolf/public_html/inc/baskettimer.php'); #print_arr($_SESSION); $prices_pk = $prod = $groups = $group = $items = array(); $prod = $inv = $group = $groups = $prices = $pricesizes = array(); $query = 'select `keyf`, `qty`, `price` from `zsf_prices` order by `keyf`, `qty`'; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $prices_pk[$keyf][$qty] = $price; } $query = 'select `id`, `gdir` from `zsf_groups` order by `id`'; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); if ($gdir) { $gdirs[$id] = $gdir; } } $query = 'select p.`id`, p.`pname`, p.`pimage`, g.`gname`, g.`id` gid, g.`gdir`, p.`price_fk` from `zsf_products` p, `zsf_groups` g where p.`group_fk` = g.`id` and g.`on_nav` = \'1\' order by g.`gname`, p.`pname`'; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $prod[$gid][$id] = array($pname); $prod[$gid][$id]['pricefk'] = $price_fk; $pimages[$id] = $pimage; $groups[$gid] = $gname; $prices[$id] = $prices_pk[$price_fk]; } $totqty = 0; $query = 'select i.`prodid_fk`, i.`size`, i.`qty`, p.`group_fk` from `zsf_inventory` i, `zsf_products` p where i.`prodid_fk` = p.`id` and i.`qty` > 0'; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $size = ($size) ? $size : 0; if ($qty > 0) { $prod[$group_fk][$prodid_fk]['size'][$size] = $qty; $prod[$group_fk][$prodid_fk]['price'][$size] = '$' . $prices[$prodid_fk][1]; $group[] = $group_fk; } $inv[$prodid_fk][$size] = $qty; $totqty += $qty; } $query = 'select c.`prodid_fk` cprodid_fk, c.`size` csize, c.`price` cprice, p.`group_fk` cgroup_fk from `zsf_clearance` c, `zsf_products` p where c.`prodid_fk` = p.`id`'; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); if ($res) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $prod[$cgroup_fk][$cprodid_fk]['price'][$csize] = 'C' . $cprice; } } $query = 'select `prodid_fk`, `size`, `qty` from `zsf_pending` where `phpsessid` = \'' . $sess . '\''; #echo "$query
\n"; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $items[$prodid_fk][$size] = $qty; } $query = 'select `id`, `name` from `zsf_categories`'; #echo "$query
\n"; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $flytypenames[$id] = $name; } $query = 'select `prodid_FK`, `typeid_FK` from `zsf_flytypes`'; #echo "$query
\n"; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $flytypes[$prodid_FK][] = $flytypenames[$typeid_FK]; } //print_arr($prod['Trout Flies'][12]); $group = array_unique($group); //print_arr($pimages); //print_arr(array_keys($prod)); #print_arr($prod[1]); ?> StreamFlies Quick Order

StreamFlies.com quick order page

We’ve designed this easy “Quick Order Page” with your convenience in mind. Simply scroll through and add the desired quantities of your favorite flies and click submit. No more navigating page after page of flies to find exactly what you want. There is no need to add the flies to your basket until you are done*. You can use the “Preview Order” to check what you’ve already filled in at any point.

*For very large orders you may notice the quantity field has turned red. If this happens, you have reached the 99 line item limit for this order form. Simply place the order the way it is, and start a second order picking up where you left off. The orders will be shipped together.

StreamFlies.com home page

$gname) { if (in_array($gid, $group)) { echo '' . "\n"; foreach($prod[$gid] as $pid => $parr) { $pname = $parr[0]; if (isset($parr['size'])) { $href = 'openWindow(\'image.html\', \'' . $pid . '\', \'imageDetail\', \'830\', \'830\');'; $types = ($flytypes[$pid]) ? implode(', ', $flytypes[$pid]) : ''; echo ''; if ($n == 6) { echo ''; $n = 0; } ++$n; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; } } } } ?>
' . $gname . '
' . $pimages[$pid] . '.jpg

' . $pname . '

'; # echo ''; echo '' . "\n"; foreach ($parr['size'] as $size => $avail) { $thisprice = $parr['price'][$size]; if (substr($thisprice, 0, 1) == 'C') { $thisprice = '$' . substr($thisprice, 1); $style = "color: red; font-weight: bold;"; } else { $style = "color: black"; } echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
size (in stock)


' . $size . ' ' . $thisprice . ' ' . $avail . '